Egypt Law : Lease Agreement
A lease is temporary by its nature and so duration (the starting and the ending date) must be specified. In case the contracting parties...
Egypt Law : On Identity Abuse
لكل من نازعه الغير فى استعمال اسمه بلا مبرر, ومن انتحل اسمه دون حق, أن يطلب وقف هذا الأعتداء مع التعويض عما يكون قد لحقه من ضرر If a...
Egypt Law : Arbitrary Dismissal
In case of arbitrary dismissal of a worker , he deserves a compensation equivalent to two months of his salary for each year of the...
Egypt Law : Against Violence, Torture and Mutilation
Articles 11, 52, 60, 67, 71, 80, and 89 of the 2014 Constitution ensure the protection of women against violence, torture, mutilation and...